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R.D. Blair and Associates was formed in 2009 by Roderick Blair, EA, MBT.  R.D. Blair and Associates officially opened its doors July 15, 2010 and most recently celebrated 10 Years of professional tax and accounting services.  Mr. Blair has over 15 years of experience in public accounting and financial services as an accountant.

He is a graduate of Talladega College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting.  Roderick also received a Master's Degree in Business Taxation (MBT) from the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business.

Roderick is Currently enrolled to practice before the IRS as an Enrolled Agent (EA).  EA's are unlimited in their practice before the IRS.
  An EA
specifically trained in federal tax planning, preparation and representation. Enrolled agents hold the most expansive license IRS grants and must pass a suitability check, as well as a three-part Special Enrollment Examination, a comprehensive exam that covers individual tax, business tax and representation issues.

We've help our clients save thousands of dollars in taxes since our inception.   R.D. Blair and Associates, LLC will remain focused on client satisfaction and building relationships in the local community.

Roderick Blair, EA, MBT - CEO

2023 © All rights reserved.  R.D. Blair and Associates, LLC

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